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In the manufacture of hunting rifles which meet the highest standards we rely on the best materials from stock to barrel. The customized stock is crafted from beautiful high-contrast root wood. We store the stock timber at our premises for years to ensure that it is completely dry and free from distortion.
Fuchs Fine Guns Hunting Rifles scaled
High End Hunting Rifles Fuchs Fine Guns 6

We use exhaustively tested Match Grade barrel blanks which we process exclusively with special tools to guarantee the finest tolerances. Gunsmiths with years of experience and the most highly trained machinists look after the manufacture of your fully customized hunting rifle in order to turn your unique conception into reality.

Our fine guns won’t let you down.

Our product range is constantly being innovated and extended. Fuchs Fine Guns guarantee quality and outstanding custom designs.

Get in touch!

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Fuchs Fine Guns GmbH
Grabenweg 12
6020 Innsbruck

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