Fuchs White Tiger
Gun of the Year 2011
Cal. .416 Rem. Mag.
The engraver produced an artistic and bold engraving. He spent countless hours artistically inserting the gold inlays. The delicate Bulino technique is applied to highlight the finest of details. The animals are beautifully worked in Bulino technique. The motif on the magazine cover shows the mysterious tiger which is only spotted by its prey in the final moment.
Rifle Weight
11,5 lbs
Barrel Lenght
23,6 inch
Bullet Weight
Perfection is the goal
The engraving, framed in fine gold inlay, flows smoothly into the beautifully grained wood. The delicate Bulino technique is applied to highlight the finest of details. The animals are beautifully worked in it. The nose of the tiger is inlaid with pink gold. The tiger’s prey, a deer, is engraved in white gold and the surface is finished in Bulino technique.
Timeless art
The engraver illustrates the tiger’s mission on the metalwork, inlaid in white gold. The perfectly sculpted three-dimensional representation of each awe-inspiring scene is worthy of timeless admiration.
The observer is face-to-face with a tiger, engraved on the bridge. Though only a portion of the tiger’s head is portrayed, its eyes look formidable and give it an almost mystical aura. The flawless workmanship of this rifle, in all its aspects, merits the sort of scrutiny normally reserved for truly great works of art.

Timeless art
A tiger sculpture has been worked into a fully functional front sight base. With the press of a little button, the half-moon sight springs upright into a fixed position from its countersink in the tiger’s head. This is useful for short-range and bad light conditions.